Let You Break My Heart Again

About a 19 year old teenager who is currently studying at a private university in Indonesia. Has this become one of the problems of his heart during his life? Can he overcome this problem when he really still needs a man who makes his days colorful when he feels that home is not a comfortable place? Can he get through the days without him? Hello all, this is my story. Just call me Anna. I am a child born into a simple family. I am a student at a university in Indonesia. I want to tell you a little about myself first. Yep, I'm a very stubborn person, highly egotistical, highly emotional, and overthinking too. With my nature, that made him uncomfortable, so he left me, slipped away. a brief introduction to myself Alright, let's start with the story... You could call him a friend as well, but he is of a different gender than me. Who would think that a boy and a girl can't be friends? I'm sure a lot of people would say that. Okay, just call him Arda. He is the...